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Chemical Engineering

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Saved by Engineering Advisor
on May 20, 2014 at 8:37:33 am

Chemical Engineering Department

Rowan Hall, 3rd Floor Administrative Suite

Department Chair: Dr. Mariano Savelski

Department Secretary: Christina Sampson

ChE Technician: Marv Harris


In Chemical Engineering, we prepare students for careers in the global chemical process industry and related fields, and for advanced degree study. Our program provides students with a strong foundation in chemical engineering science and design, and emphasizes the development of effective communication and teaming skills, and professional responsibility in preparation for a career in a diverse global workforce. Throughout the curriculum, students are exposed to chemical engineering methods using hands-on, state-of-the-art experiments, modern computer tools, and problem synthesis and solution approaches. The Chemical Engineering Program is committed to technical excellence, professional responsibility, and lifelong learning.

We use this mission statement along with the following three goals, to educate and prepare the next generation of leaders in the chemical engineering field.


Goal 1 - Develop engineers who are successfully using their chemical engineering expertise to adapt to the evolving technological challenges of a wide variety of professional fields.

Goal 2 - Develop engineers who, within several years of graduation, are functioning independently and collaboratively in providing creative solution strategies to problems for their employer.

Goal 3 - Develop engineers who engage in professional growth and responsible practice.


Faculty and Staff


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