
Copy of FrontPage

Page history last edited by Engineering Advisor 10 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to EASE --Ensuring Academic Success in Engineering


The purpose of this wiki is to help ensure academic success in engineering--in other words, EASE your journey as Engineering students through the completion of your undergraduate degree.


How to Make the Most of this Wiki

Use the Navigator (see right sidebar) to access pages with information about the College, your department's curriculum, department personnel, advising tools, etc.  You will also find a page for each of our Engineering majors,

as well as a page with links to all the Important Advising Tools you will need and use as a student at Rowan. 


Check out the General Education Requirements for information on how some of the courses in your Engineering curriculum satisfy general education requirements.  An Announcements page will also be updated frequently as important dates and events are scheduled.  Please check back often.  You may also find the answer to a question on the Frequently Asked Questions page.


The College of Engineering offers students many opportunities to become active in professional societies and organizations.  Take a look at the Student Clubs and Organizations page for a list of organizations. 


Finally, if you are not currently an Engineering student but would like to be, you should look into Info about Transfer and Change of Major.  Thinking about a minor?  Minors in  Electrical & Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering are also available. 


This wiki is a work in progress, and it will be tweaked along the way in order to provide you with all the tools needed to navigate through the Engineering program with--you guessed it--EASE.  Happy travels.



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