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Transfer and Change of Major Info

Page history last edited by Engineering Advisor 5 years, 9 months ago


Change of Major information for Rowan students interested in Engineering


The transfer policy for Rowan students interested in applying to Rowan Engineering can be found at the link below:


Change of Major Guidelines



Change of Major information for changes within Engineering

Current Freshman Engineering students wishing to switch from one Engineering major to another are required to:

  • complete the first year curriculum of current Engineering major
  • complete the online Change of Major form by April 1st for Fall admission; by November 1st for the following Spring admission
  • achieve GPA requirement for desired major as per Change of Major Guidelines (linked above)


A decision will be made after current semester final grades are posted.



External Transfers


Potential students wishing to transfer from their current institution to Rowan University/Engineering should refer to the University transfer information website: http://www.rowan.edu/home/admissions-aid/transfer-students.


Information on course requirements can be found here: Guidelines for Engineering (external transfers)



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